Auto Insurance Leads

Order Leads today, Please call with any quesitons: 203-941-1781

You are only a couple steps away from Quality, Exclusive and Local Leads for your Auto Insurance Business.  A couple things you need to know before you place your order.  Lead orders are processed daily and campaigns usually start within 4-5 business days from order.  With our Live Auto Leads, you will be notified via email as your lead campaign has started and you will provided with a username and password into our lead protal.  This will be the same day we begin dialing on your campaign.    You will rarely receive all leads in one day.  If you have any questions or concerns, or have not received any leads by business day 7 , please contact us.  By placing an order you agree to the terms and conditions listed in the Credit Policies and the Bulls eye Lead Agreement.

Ordering Leads



Pricing Tiers as  Follow:


  • 10 Leads    -   $16.00 each plus 3% Trans fee
  • 20 Leads   -   $15.00 each plus 3% Trans fee
  • 40 Leads    -  $13.00 each plus 3% Trans fee
  • 100 Leads   -  $12.00 each plus 3% Trans fee

Step 1: Pay for leads

Step 2: Choose Desired Area:

Once leads are paid for, complete the form to the right and either:

email to:


fax: to 860-552-4119. 

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